he Benefits of Encapsulating Your Placenta
include energy and hormone regulation. It can help balance hormones and increase energy levels after childbirth, as well as improve milk production. Additionally, it provides natural pain relief, replenishment of lost energy stores, and nourishment. It also helps reduce the symptoms of postpartum depression and anxiety. The placenta contains high levels of nutrients and hormones that may help speed up postpartum healing, reduce inflammation, and provide iron to a mother who has lost a lot of blood in labor.
Some of the hormones and their functions include:
Gonadotrophin: the precursor to estrogen, progesterone and testosterone
Prolactin: promotes lactation
Oxytocin: for pain and bonding; produced during breastfeeding to facilitate bonding of mother and infant. In pharmaceutical form this is a very addictive drug because it promotes a feeling of connectedness with others
Thyroid stimulating hormone: boosts energy and helps recovery from stressful events
Cortisone: combats stress and unlocks energy stores
Interferon: stimulates the immune system to protect against infections
Prostaglandins: anti-inflammatory
Hemoglobin: replenishes iron deficiency and anemia, a common postpartum condition
Urokinase inhibiting factor and factor XIII: stops bleeding and enhances wound healing
Gammaglobulin: immune booster that helps protect against postpartum infections.
How long does the placenta encapsulation process take?
Once I receive your placenta, I am usually able to complete the encapsulation process in about 24 hours and return the placenta capsules to the hospital or your home.
What is the encapsulation process?
- Thorough sanitization of the workspace and all equipment. Strict OSHA standards are observed.
- Trimming the cord-this is dehydrated and turned into a keepsake. If the client desires, the placenta is steamed with lemon and Myrrh before dehydrating (TCM- Traditional Chinese Method ). Otherwise, it will be dehydrated raw which retains more of the hormones mentioned above.
- Preparing the placenta for dehydration.
- Heating the placenta strips to 145-160 degrees to kill any bacteria that may be present.
- Complete dehydration in a dehydrator that is reserved specifically for placentas.
- Grinding the dehydrated placenta into a fine powder.
- Filling capsules with powder and placing in container.
- Sanitization of all equipment and workspace.
Vaginal Birth Cesarean birth Induction/ meds ,meconium present, GBS + twins/multiples, placenta previa, gestational diabetes, cholestasis, hypermesis gravidarum
When is Placenta Encapsulation Not Safe?
improper storage of placenta
active std outbreak during vaginal birth
GBS Facts and Your Placenta
- Group B Strep is a bacterial infection that naturally lives in the gastrointestinal tract in up to 25% of all healthy adult women; most of whom have no symptoms.
- GBS tests are given between 35 and 37 weeks gestation.
- Many women who test positive at 37 weeks will no longer be GBS positive at delivery.
- GBS IS NOT a contraindication for placental consumption, but it does dictate how the placenta is prepared.NEVER RAW.
- GBS is NOT RECOMMENDED for raw stem cell therapy, smoothies, raw encapsulation & raw tinctures. It is OKAY however, for encapsulation when using the TCM-inspired method (steaming prior to dehydration) and dehydrating at a higher temperature (165 degrees) for the first hour of dehydration.
- This is the only method of preparation offered to those with GBS. The TCM method is the process with the placenta is lightly steamed with ginger, a warming aroma during the steam and myrrh to draw the essence of the placenta out during the steam.
- TCM Method
- Raw Method
- Placenta Prana Package includes Pills, Tincture, Keepsake, Pacha Mama Offering
- Placenta Balm
- Soothing Salves made with Placenta
- Placenta Oil
- Warming Placenta Elixir
- Pacha Mama Ceremonial Dust
- Placenta Chocolates
- Umbilical Cord Dream Catcher
- Resin Umbilical Cord Keepsake
- Amniotic Veil Topical Heal
Book Me For Services:
- Request an Intake form and complete
- A waiver signed and returned
- Recent blood work +GBS results ( 36th week)
- Deposit of half of the amount due at time of booking to hold my time.
- Remainder payment due day of pick up of placenta.
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